
Poole Agribusiness    , formerly known as Poole Chemical, is a family-owned and operated agribusiness that was founded as a fertilizer business in 1957. The business began with Harry Poole and through growth and an on-going commitment to quality, has evolved into the present, family-owned corporation. Jim Poole, Harry’s son, served as company President and Chief Executive Officer until he passed in 2006. Currently, his wife Karen Poole, and son, Danny Poole are Co-Presidents. Daughter, Jayme Poole Rittenberry, is Vice President/Secretary Treasurer. The officers and the current Board of Directors oversee all aspects of the business. With over 60 years in the industry, Poole Agribusiness remains committed to our partners for the long haul.

Poole Agribusiness'     ten locations serve over 800 farmers and agribusinesses across the United States and Canada. We believe in basic gratitude of “Please and Thank you” and that no operation is too big or small.

Poole Agribusiness     prides itself with long-lasting employee retention. When employees come work for Poole Agribusiness,    they are here to stay due to our welcoming family atmosphere. We recognize employees as part of the Poole family. Poole Agribusiness    has over 125 employees with some being a part of the business for over 40 years with the average employee serving 10 years.